Get Involved

Action on your part can go a long way to create a greater future for the youth at Boys & Girls Clubs of Georgia

Join the Movement

No matter how you choose to get involved, thank you. We appreciate what you do for Georgia kids and teens.

Want to give in a meaningful way to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Georgia? Your support has an impact on individuals, on the community, and on our state.

Get Involved!

Together we can make the difference

What you do matters

Financial support goes a long way. Each dollar invested in the Boys & Girls Clubs Georgia Alliance returns in economic benefits to Georgia communities. 

Advocate for Kids & Teens

Want to help make an impact in Georgia? Tell your representative you support funding of the Boys & Girls Clubs in Georgia, and the over 79,000  kids we impact each and every year. 

Build the Movement

Boys and Girls Clubs of Georgia partners with state and local organizations to engage with community, and advance the important work of our organziation.

Key factors for evaluating a potential partner include the partner’s ability to leverage its assets, raise awareness, make a corporate contribution and/or raise funds and engage its employees and leadership, locally and nationally. 

Honor Contributions to Boys & Girls Clubs of Georgia

The Hall of Fame is a virtual museum celebrating the extraordinary youth, men and women who have made significant contributions to the Boys & Girls Club Movement in Georgia. 

Each nominee has helped raise the standards and level of professionalism in the Boys & Girls Club Movement, while inspiring and mentoring future generations, laying the ground work that encourages us all to strive for excellence in helping children who need us most.

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